Dr. Gerald S. Hecht
Assistant Professor of Psychology
College of
PSYC 377 -
Physiological Psychology Exam 2 Study Guide
Neuron structure
(or soma) contains the nucleus, plus some ribosomes (where
neurotransmitters are made) and mitochondria.
Branch-like structures which extend from
the cell body-- dendrites receive information (BOTHsensory
information from the "outside world"AND neural information
from other neurons) and carry the information into the CELL
Short outgrowths on some dendrites which
contain specialized proteins called RECEPTORS (see below).
long, thin fibers which are the information
sending part of the neuron - sending out periodic electrical impulses
toward other neurons, glands, or muscles (these impulses are called action
potentials). Neurons have only one axon or none at all. The state
of axons when they are not sending impulses is called
the resting potential.
- AXON TERMINAL: A "bulb-like"swelling at end of an axon which plays
a role in the chemical communication that takes place between
The neuron that is transmitting a chemical
signal from its axon terminals
The neuron whose dendrites
are receiving the chemical signal.
The Resting Potential of Neurons
At rest, there are 2 sources of
POTENTIAL ENERGY accumulating around the neuron:
During the resting potential, a difference
in the concentration of chemicals is established between the inside of
the axon and the outside. This is because the axon membrane is selectively
permeable (it allows certain chemicals to cross but not others). The concentration
of sodium (Na+) ions is 10 times greater outside the axon than
inside. During the resting potential, Chloride channels
in the axon membrane remain open allowing chloride ions
to pass through; Sodium channels remain closed, however and Sodium begins
to accumulate outside the axon.
- ELECTROSTATIC GRADIENT: The highly concentrated Sodium (Na+)
ions outside the axon carry a positive electrical
charge and are therefore attracted to the negatively charged
Chloride (Cl-) ions inside the neuron—but can’t
in because the Sodium channels are closed. The +and
– charges are attracting each other and thus the
axon is now a 70mV (millivolt) battery (a battery is a device which
creates an electrical gradient—a separation of + and – charges). The
voltage of the axon is always stated relative to inside...
therefore the resting potential of a neuron is -70mV
The Action Potential of Neurons
The actual voltage across axon membranes
during the resting potential can fluctuate somewhat...
- Hyperpolarization
(increased polarization): occurs when
the negative charge inside the axon increases from incoming IPSP’s (e.g.,
-70mV becomes –80mV)
- Depolarization
(decreasing polarization toward 0mV):
occurs when the negative charge inside the axon decreases from incoming
EPSP’s (e.g., -70mV becomes –55mV).
However, If the axon membrane is depolarized
beyond a critical level known as the Threshold... the resting potential collapses
and an ELECTRICAL SIGNAL is propagated down the axon toward the AXON TERMINAL
- Threshold:
A critical level of depolarization of
the axon membrane that triggers the action potential
- Action Potential: (Nerve impulse):
Neuronal stimulation which results
in a SUDDEN DEPOLARIZATION of Tremendous Amplitude
which propagates down the entire axon to the terminal ("peak" or
"spike") before returning to its resting potential.
- All-or none law:
If threshold is met or exceeded, a neuron
will generate an action potential at a specific magnitude (size
and shape); if threshold is not met, no action potential
will occur.
When the potential across an axon membrane
reaches threshold, Na+ channels open and allow these ions to enter
(the Na+ gates are voltage dependent; this causes the
membrane potential to depolarize past zero to a reversed polarity
(e.g., -70mV becomes +50mV at the highest amplitude of the action potential)
- When the action potential reaches its peak, Na+ channels close and
the Na+ ion pump "throws" the Na+ back outside the axon
behind the channel… this ensures that the action potential will travel
in one direction only… towards the axon terminals.
- The neuron, (much like a toilet)
has a refractory period-- it cannot emit another action
potential until the Na+ ion pump restores the polarity to a level approximating
the resting potential.
The action potential always begins at
the axon hillock (between the
cell body and the beginning of the axon)
The action potential is regenerated due to Na+ ions "jumping" down the
axon, activating each voltage dependent Na+ channel-- one after the other.
The Concept of the Synapse
Neurons are separated from one
another by a narrow gap known as asynapse. - Neurons:
- Synthesize neurotransmitters
(chemicals used by neurons to "talk to each other").
- Deliver these chemicals to the axon
terminal for storage in synaptic vesicles until released
into the synapse.
- The release of neurotransmitters into
the synapse depends on an action potential traveling down the axon to
the terminal.
- Neurotransmitters
, once released into the synapse,
bind to receptors and alter the activity of the postsynaptic
neuron. - Neurotransmitters
can be prevented from reaching the
receptors by
"recycled" back into the presynaptic
"digested" (lysed) by enzymes.- DIFFUSION: swept away by extracellular