PSYC 4032 EXAM 2
Recall that we started this course by looking at selected
behaviors that, by definition were NOT learned (reflexes, Fixed Action
Patterns, etc.) Reflexes = "HARD WIRED" neurological
responses to
environmental stimuli. They can
fluctuate somewhat in intensity (habituation and sensitization),
much like the brightness from light bulbs fluctuate with
changes in voltage—but basically we come into the world with
these circuits ready to go – out of the box er... uh... womb ...
so to speak.
2. Ivan
Pavlov was a Russian physiologist who studied the mechanism of
a set of reflexes, specifically
digestive reflexes... the reflexive
secretion of various enzymes from localized glands in the
digestive tract when foods (hopefully) are ingested.
3. His fame
as a scientist (physiologist) resulted from his
innovative surgical
techniques. He developed ways of
exteriorizing the ducts of various glands (stomach,
gallbladder, pancreas, etc.) so that the experimental animal
was not in any
pain (this was VITAL to him and in
fact, the relationship between experimenter and animal was what
allowed his later learning theories to develop)
and could continue to function and eat
normally. This methodology
(experimental preparation) allowed him to collect various
digestive secretions from various glands and examine their
chemical composition to determine how they enzymatically turned
food into energy (for what its worth... he basically won
a Nobel prize for figuring out how your lunch turns into
4. Pavlov
was fascinated by the adaptability of the glands. For example,
with the salivary glands, he found that hard dry food = heavy salivation but
wet food = light salivation
acidic food = heavy alkaline salivation, etc.
5. Although
he went on to win to the Nobel Prize for his surgical and
physiological investigations—he began to “scare” his peers by saying
“Non-Physiological” things like "the
psychic intelligence of the glands"
6. He
became particularly fascinated by the observation that
the subjects (dogs) would sometimes begin salivating BEFORE
they ate anything—usually when himself or a favorite lab tech
would enter the lab to start the day's work.
7. In the
final analysis—the questions that kept “itching” at Pavlov were:
“How can a gland have intelligence?” or
“How can reflexes
(which are supposed to be unlearned, hardwired behaviors)
EXPERIENCE?” (this is the definition of
learning from chapter 2 no?)
He risked the ridicule of his peers
when he left the science of physiology to
enter the realm of what was then thought of as being
“the psychic friends
network" (It must have been like the reaction of the
folk music community when Dylan went “electric”...oh... well...
whatevernever mind).
8. Through
careful observation Pavlov concluded that there were
two (2 kinds of reflexes)
- The inborn-permanent ones that we talked
about in chapter one called UNCONDITONED REFLEXES (UR's)
- Another kind that is NOT present at birth—it is Aquired
through Experience.He called these
because they actually depend upon many
Pavlov's specialty in PHYSIOLOGY
was digestion SO.... to him
SALIVATING TO FOOD was the UR and turning one's head (ears) a
bell/tuning fork was the OR
(BUT.... he could have been an
auditory physiologist—and you may be tempted to think that we would then learn
his theory as salivating to food = OR and...head turning to food = UR
WRONG...it turns out certain
reflexes are more
easily conditioned to some stimuli
but not others... and none of this would have worked if it would have been
referenced toward the auditory ORIENTING REFLEX
10. So to
summarize: Pavlov was a physiologist studying digestion. In the
course of his work investigating the enzymatic composition of
saliva he noticed what he called the "intelligence of the glands" – the
amount and composition of salivary
secretions was exquisitely tuned to the amount and type of food
placed in the mouth. But it went beyond this; because he was so
accurate in his operational
definition of the salivary response and
so precise in its measurement—he was able to detect that after
working with a test subject (dog) for a while... the animal
would begin to secrete saliva before it had any food placed in
its mouth. Almost as if the salivary gland had
"psychic powers". Given the low esteem with which other scientists
held psychology, Pavlov did NOT want to publicly admit to studying
inner life of the mind... but he could NOT let go of the urge to know what was
going on here... he decided to go for it.
11. Because
the thing about these psychic
secretions that struck him as the most
interesting was the fact that the dogs would start salivating
when an experimenter who had become attached to the dog would
enter the testing room (open the door, footsteps etc) Pavlov
decided to set up a very controlled environment in which he
could isolate the important stimulus elements of that
12. He knew
that both the orienting reflex
(OR)(to an auditory stimulus) and
the salivation reflex
(to food in the mouth) were inborn and
- He knew the most about
reflexso he labeled the food that
elicits it theunconditioned
stimulus (US)and the reflex itself
theunconditioned response
- Rather than rely on the highly
variable sounds of a door opening and/or footsteps he
used atuning
forkfor hisneutral stimulus (NS)(makes a distinct sound of constant loudness and
pitch)to produce theorienting
reflex (OR).
13. To
recreate the original conditions under which he first observed
the "psychic secretions"
he began testing dogs as follows:
strike the tuning fork and wait for
+ 1 second
place the food in the dog's mouth
record salivation rates throughout (operationally
defined by the gauge etc)
at first—nothing unusual, the US-->UR and the
however after repeatedly
paring the NS and US something weird happened!
the NS
produced a “UR like”
reflex: Salivation INSTEAD of the OR
14. Dogs are
NOT born with a hardwired
salivary reflex to sounds (DUH!) so once the
dog began to salivate after hearing the tone... Pavlov realized
that he had a behavioral phenomenon that was NOT a
(NOT a
reflex, fixed
action pattern, or
inherited behavioral
- Despite Pavlov's insistence that he
wasNOTapsychologist—he had just
discovered the firstscientifically sound
principle of LEARNING!
- Because salivating to a
toneis NOT
a hardwired (UNCONDITIONED)
reflex—he had to give this phenomenon a
name– he must have thought
Glands”would get him laughed out of
- so he called SALIVATION to the TONE
(CR)(it required repeated
CONDITIONING TRIALS to occur). Now Lets explore some of the
various aspects of the Pavlovian paradigm that can be
manipulated to elucidate the mechanism of CR formation
(even if you don't want
15. Each
pairing of the NS/CS and
is one trial and the procedure is known
as Pavlovian or classical conditioning.
Two (2) important features of
Pavlovian procedure
1) the presentation of the two stimuli
occurs regardless of what the animal or person is
doing and
2) the behavior involved is INITIALLY a
"hardwired" reflex.
16. Contiguity
and US
timing (contiguity)is
crucial to Pavlovian conditioning. As can be seen in the
figure below: With delay
conditioning the
salivation elicited by the US
gradually extends
backwards as it becomes associated with the
In the standard paradigm the same thing happens although it
is a little less obvious because of the overlap between
the CS
and US.
In trace
conditioning the
strength of the CR
is generally inversely
related to the delay between the CS
and US.
The same cannot be happening in backwards
conditioning which
is usually ineffective. Thus a vital feature of
successful CS-US
pairing in time seems to
be that the CS
can be used to predict the
occurrence of the US.
This suggestion may also explain one of the most surprising
results - if the CS
and US
are presented
exactly simultaneously,
so that both the onset and offset both occur together, then
conditioning fails.
17. Contingency (Predictability)
In order to examine whether
contingency is important above and beyond the number of times
the CS and
US occur
together, you could require a procedure in which the
correlation between CS and US occurrence is varied
while the total number of times the subjects are exposed
CS-US pairings
are held fixed. An experiment which examined this question was
devised by Rescorla (1968). He took four groups of rats and
exposed them all to tone-shock pairings While a target behavior
(lever pressing was occuring-- the Dependent Variable of the
CR is going to
be the degree to which that lever pressing is suppressed by the
CS). In each
test session the animals heard a number of 2 minute tones
interspersed by silences. For all groups the probability that
they would experience a shock while hearing the tone was 0.4.
The groups differed in the probability that they were also
shocked during the silences occurring between tones - one group
received no shocks during these intervals (a probability of
0.0), the other groups received shocks during the 'no tone'
intervals with probabilities of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4. So, although
all the groups receive the same number of tone-shock pairings
the tone becomes a progressively better predictor of shock as
the probability of shock occurring during the 'no-tone'
intervals decreases. He also tested a control group who
received no shocks but heard the same number of tones as the
experimental groups. The results below clearly show that
predictability is an important factor in determining the
efficacy of conditioning - the more the experimental groups
were shocked during no-tone intervals the less the tone could
predict shock and the less an ongoing target behavior (lever
pressing) was suppressed by the tone (see the diagram
18. Overshadowing
trying to explain the classical conditioning process,
experiments where two (or even more) CSs are presented with a
single US were
conducted. By varying aspects of the CSs and comparing the
effectiveness of their conditioning to the single US the scientists hoped to
discover what properties of the CS (and, eventually the
US), as
opposed to the CS-US pair, determine the
effectiveness of conditioning. Probably the simplest experiment
comparing two CSs is a demonstration of
the phenomenon of overshadowing.
In this experiment two CSs, CS1 and CS2, are always presented
together during training. In the test-phase, the strength of
conditioning to the stimuli CS1 and CS2 presented individually
are measured. The typical outcome shows that the strength of
conditioning to each CS depends on their
relative intensity. If CS1 is a dim light and
CS2 a bright
light then, after conditioning to the CS1-CS2 combination, the
CR to the
bright light is very strong while the dim light alone produces
little or no reaction.
In addition to variations in the subjective characteristics,
variations in the history of these experiences were also
investigated. Suppose that two stimuli CS1 and CS2 will be paired with a
single US.
Rather than presenting the two CSs together throughout
the training of an animal only CS1 is used in the first
half of training and later the CS1-CS2 combination
together, just as in an overshadowing experiment for the second
half of training. The result, in general, is that when
subsequently tested individually the animal will show strong
conditioning to CS1 and little or no
conditioning to CS2. The effect where the
prior pairing of one stimulus with a US stops the US being associated with
other subsequently presented stimuli is called
Procedure for a simple
blocking experiment:
Name |
Training |
Training |
Test |
Blocking |
CS1-US |
CS1-CS2 and US |
CS2 alone |
Control |
nothing |
CS1-CS2 and US |
CS2 alone |
control for the possible confounding effects of overshadowing,
experiments were conducted, in which the roles of CS1 and CS2
were reversed so that CS2 was experienced paired by itself with
the US in the 1st training before the 2nd training with the
CS1-CS2 compound stimulus. In this experiment normally strong
conditioning to CS2 and little conditioning to CS1 would be
In order to
compare the effectiveness of overshadowing vs. blocking and
include some measure for the predictability of the CSs, a
"blocking and predictability"
experiment could be devised:
Name |
Training |
Training |
Test |
Correlated |
Correlated CS1 and US |
CS1-CS2 and US |
CS2 alone |
Uncorrelated |
Uncorrelated CS1 and US |
CS1-CS2 and US |
CS2 alone |
Overshadowing |
US alone |
CS1-CS2 and US |
CS2 alone |
No US |
CS1 alone |
CS1-CS2 and US |
CS2 alone |
when this
has been done the strength of conditioning to CS2 acquired during 2nd
training was much weaker in the group which had received prior
correlated parings of CS1 and the US than in the groups
which had received no prior pairings (overshadowing) or which
had received random presentations of CS1 and the US. Finally, the group
which had received CS1 alone with no
US in phase 1
showed even stronger conditioning to CS2 than the overshadowing
or uncorrelated controls.
20. Rescorla and Wagner's model of classical
This is an example of Preparatory
Response or information processing explanation of Pavlovian
According to Rescorla and Kamin, associations are only learned
when a surprising event accompanies a CS. In a normal simple
conditioning experiment the US is surprising the first
few times it is experienced so it is associated with salient
stimuli which immediately precede it. In a blocking experiment
once the association between the CS (CS1) presented in the
first phase of the procedure and the US has been made the
US is no
longer surprising (since it is predicted by CS1). In the second phase,
where both CS1
and CS2 are
experienced, as the US is no longer surprising
it does not induce any further learning and so no association
is made between the US and CS2. This explanation was
presented by Rescorla and Wagner (1972) as a formal model of
conditioning which expresses the capacity a CS has to become
associated with a US at any given time. This
associative strength of the US to the CS is referred to by the
letter V and the change
in this strength which occurs on each trial of conditioning is
called dV. The more a
CS is
associated with a US the less additional
association the US can induce. This
informal explanation of the role of US surprise and of
CS (and
salience in the process
of conditioning can be stated as follows:
dV = ab(L - V)
where a is the
salience (intensity) of
the US,
b is the salience (intensity) of the
CS and
L is the amount of
processing given to a
completely unpredicted US. In words: when
the US is
first encountered the CS has no association to
it so V is zero. On the
first trial the CS gains a strength of
abL in its association
with the US
which is proportional to the saliences of the CS and the US and to the initial
amount of processing given to the US. As we start trial two
the associative strength is V
is abL so the change in strength that occurs with the
second pairing of the CS and US is ab(L - abL). It is smaller than the
amount learned on the first trial and this reduction in amount
that is learned reflects the fact that the CS now has some
association with the US, so the US is less surprising
(cute...very cute--oops I'm not supposed to impose my
opinions). As more trials ensue, the equation predicts a
gradually decreasing rate of learning which reaches an
asymptote at L.
However, the diagram below shows: this is not what is seen when
the development CS-US associations is
measured over time. Instead the learning curve is sigmoidal. Rescorla has argued that
the equation is consistent with observed behavior if one
assumes that very small changes in associative strength are
undetectable and that there is a limit to the amount of effect
that very large changes can have on behavior.
There are other respects, however, where the model performs
better in predicting experimental outcomes. It can also be
applied to a number of CSs each of which
contributes to an overall associative strength V of the US in the right hand side
of the equation. It is reasonably clear that the presence of
the CS
salience term b in the
equation lets it account for overshadowing. The meaning of the
equation is clearest if the specific dVs on the left hand side are seen
as referring to the increments in association between specific
CSs while
V on the right hand
side is referring to the predictability of the US and so is the sum of
all the different CS-US associations. If the
conditioning strength accrued to CS1 is denoted by
dV1 and that to
CS2 by
dV2 then our equations
dV1 = ab1(L -
dV2 = ab2(L - V)
and both dV1 and
dV2 accrue to
V on each trial. The
amount of association directed to each CS is proportional to their
The equation also models blocking well. During the initial
phase of a blocking experiment the associative strength of the
US is increased so later, when a second CS is presented the amount
of associative strength it can gain has been reduced.
The critical question is, however, does the model predict
experimental outcomes it was not explicitly divised for, i.e.
can it be generalized? In one example the model predicts the
effects of pairing two previously learned CSs on learning about a
third new stimulus. If on separate occasions (not as compound stimuli) two
CSs of equal
salience have both been completely associated with a
US then
V=L for both stimuli
and dV on subsequent
trials is zero for
both. Now a third CS in conjunction with the
original pair is presented so three CSs are presented together
whereas only two of them were presented singly in the past. The
overall associative strength of the US is now 2L, a contribution of L from both of the original
CSs. The
equation predicts that there will be a negative change
in associative strength on this trial proportional to the
salience of the CSs:
dV = ab(L -
dV = -abL
Conducting the experiment shows: the third stimulus becomes a
conditioned inhibitor
of the US - it
provokes a CR
of the opposite quality to that produced by the other two
So you can see that there is
more to this stuff than a drooling dog...for best results
please read Chapter 3 (and
keep it out of reach of small children).